
Showing posts from April, 2019

Why should I automate?

With  automated testing , as with many highly directional dugimi IT - disciplines, involves a lot of misconceptions. In order to avoid inefficient use of automation, should circumvent its weaknesses and maximize the benefits. Next, we will list and give a little description for the basic nuances of automation and will answer the main question of this paper - when automation is used takings . The advantages of automated testing: ·          Repeatability - all written tests will be performed always uniform, ie, excluding the "human factor". The tester did not miss the test for negligence and did not mess up the results. ·          Fast execution - automated scripts do not need to consult the instructions and documentation, it is highly time-saving performance. ·          Lower support costs - when the automatic scripts already written for their support an...

Myths about Automated Testing

The aim of this paper is the desire to give people the right idea about what exactly is " automated testing " and what it "eat". Introduction Since ancient times, mankind is engaged in mythmaking. The less there was knowledge about the natural environment, the more errors were a man and his amazing myths. With the development of science domain knowledge has expanded. But the area became more unknown. Old myths are gone, but there were new. In this article I would like to talk about automated testing and related fallacies. Some of them are more typical of upper-level managers, part - the average employee. But those and other myths interfere with the proper understanding and development of the technology itself and its successful implementation on the ground to ensure a higher quality of manufactured products. What is automated testing One of the most popular myths is that: Myth 1. Automated testing - it’s just a check of recourse. Along with him freq...

Software Testing: How to start

Typical day conditions, which gets the beginner: A small organization that takes orders on the development of certain software and consists of a director and several programmers, each of which performs all the possible problems - from communication with the customer to the programming, debugging, implementation and technical support. From the documentation - only "political" TK to formally meet customer requirements, and contract. With the development of the IT-market, even small by software organizations gradually feel the need to transition from natural to write code to a more or less formalized the development process. Primarily this is done to obtain predictable timing of delivery of projects, but they often come to the fore and the quality of the final product as a weighty factor in the competition. But quality can not be achieved without adequate testing. The desire to write this article appeared quite a long time as a result of reading the head of the newly crea...